
Project and Logistic Roles

Our current vacancies

Be part of the Larkin Service Team and help the Site Services team take a beautiful green field site and turn it into a Jamboree village and then keep the Jamboree running smoothly throughout the week and help dismantle it.

We are looking for people to join the team to support the fantastic Site Services Team in a variety of areas. You don't need any specific skills but you do need enthusiasm and the ability to work as part of a team.

You may not be able to come for the whole week of the Jamboree, so if you can only help for a few days before or after the Jamboree to help set up or dismantle, then please do get in touch.

You may have a particular area in mind or be willing to support a different area each day. Areas where you may support could include;




Site transport

Maintenance and logistics


Staff Zone

View and Apply 

If you have a preference for a particular area, then indicate this on your application.